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PC Security Health Check

Checks your system for exposure to all types of threats and applies the right settings to ensure robust security

  • Determines your system's exposure to all types of threats

  • Configuration of your anti-virus and anti-spyware software settings

  • Application of proper system settings to improve the security of your identity and digital information

  • Verification and application of the latest critical Microsoft Windows updates

  • Good for one (1) PC only

Customer Prerequisites: a current, valid Trend Micro product license; Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7; high-speed internet connection; and minimum 1GB memory required (2GB recommended).

Buy Now INR675.00 INR900.00


Supported Operating Systems:
  • Microsoft® Windows® 10
  • Microsoft® Windows® 11
  • Chrome OS 79 or higher (Chromebooks only supported by Trend Micro Security on Chrome Web Store)
Minimum Hardware Requirements:
  • 800MHz (1GHz recommended)
  • 1GB Memory (2GB Recommended)
  • 1.3 GB of available hard disk space (2.5GB Recommended)
Supported Web Browsers:
  • Google Chrome™ - 81/83
  • Mozilla Firefox® - 75/76
  • Microsoft® Internet Explorer® 11.0
  • Microsoft Edge (Next) – 81/83
  • Microsoft Edge (Original) – Up to 44
Internet Connection:
  • Broadband or equivalent high speed connection is highly recommended.
Display Screen Resolution:
  • 1024x768 or above